Oral Hygiene: Best Practices & Instructions for Good Routine

A lot of people take their oral health for granted. Did you know that if you have problems with your teeth and gums, it can pose a greater health risk in the long run? Aside from bad breath, falling teeth, and bleeding gums, poor oral hygiene can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and other major health issues that could have been prevented by simply brushing.

Aside from regular dental visits, you, yourself, can improve your oral health by simply flossing and switching to natural mouth care products. A lot of consumers are now changing their conventional toothpaste and trying out natural products due to the unexplained chemicals in regular oral health products. Did you know that the sweet taste (sweeteners) in toothpaste doesn’t add anything beneficial? Another questionable ingredient that you should watch out for is Triclosan. Found in antibacterial soaps and other products, it was recently found to hinder the heart’s ability to function properly.

DIY Toothpaste

Let’s face it; our brain is calibrated to believe that commercial products are better than products we,  ourselves, can make. Why? It’s because of the advertisements and commercials we see of big-name products. Consumers are led to believe that by buying a company’s product, they are getting the best for their families. They won’t mention the fillers and chemicals that they use in making those products. This is where DIY toothpaste comes in. Aside from being cheaper, you know how it’s made  and what it’s made from. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making your own Natural Toothpaste.


  • Peppermint or Cinnamon Essential Oil
  • Stevia Powder
  • Baking Soda
  • Coconut Oil
  • Myrrh Extract

Step 1: Soften coconut oil. You need 1/2 cup of coconut oil for this recipe.

Step2: Get a bowl and mix in all the other ingredients with the coconut oil until it’s not clumpy. You need 15-20 drops of your chosen essential oil, 2 small packs of stevia powder, 10 drops of myrrh (optional) and lastly, 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda.

Step 3: Let it cool completely

Step 4: When all the ingredients have already cooled down, get a small container and transfer some of the product. Dip your toothbrush in and remove the excess. You can use a stick or a small spoon to get rid of the extra product.

Step 5: Enjoy

Where Can I Find Natural Toothpaste?

Not a fan of mixing and experimenting? You can readily buy natural toothpaste at health shops or even online at www.248Smiles.Com. Just make sure that all the ingredients are natural. Take note; natural products have a shorter lifespan, so it’s best to use them immediately. Users of natural toothpaste have reported less plaque and more healthy gums after going natural. If you want to experiment, there are a lot of other natural toothpaste recipes you can try. You can look for one that’s specifically for teeth whitening or something that can leave your mouth fresher for longer (for those who want their breath to smell nice for a longer time).

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