Top Toothpastes That Dentists Recommend For Oral Health

Have you ever wondered about the kind of chemicals present in your day-to-day toothpaste? According to a recent study, there are seven toxic toothpaste ingredients that you should avoid. Those ingredients are Microbeads, Diethanolamine (DEA), Propylene Glycol, Fluoride, Artificial Sweeteners, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), and Triclosan. An average person is estimated to consume about 20 gallons of toothpaste in their lifetime. And since the mouth is one of the most absorbent places in your body, wouldn’t you want to prevent toxic substances from entering your system? Below are some recommendations you can try to replace your regular toothpaste.

Natural Products That Can Replace Your Toothpaste

Herbal Tooth Powders – Herbal tooth powders are also known to ease infection, pain, and inflammation in the mouth. It also does an excellent job of cleaning your teeth. These powders can be bought at health or online stores easily. The good thing? They can come in different natural flavors. Some popular choices are powders with mint or peppermint.

Coconut Oil – Oil? As for toothpaste? Yes! Coconut oil has a lot of antifungal and antibacterial properties to keep your teeth and gums healthy. If you dread the thought of using oil alone, you can combine it with essential oils and baking soda for a more pleasant taste.

Hydrogen Peroxide – Formerly known as an ingredient to keep teeth white and clean, more consumers are now ditching their conventional toothpaste for this wonderful product. A solution of 50% percent hydrogen peroxide and 50% baking soda is an effective way to keep teeth white and healthy at the same time.

Essential Oils – Not only do they smell good, but with the right combination, they could give your oral health a boost. If you plan to use essential oils, make sure to buy it from a reputable holistic health store like www.249Smiles.Com. Keep in mind that some oils have different concentration levels. Peppermint oil in a dampened toothbrush is used by many since it instantly gives the mouth a clean and minty fresh feeling.

Oil Pulling – What is it? It’s an Ayurvedic medicine technique that involves swishing (or “pulling”) unrefined oil in your mouth for a few minutes. After swishing the oil, brush it with plain water. A lot of people swear by this since it leaves your mouth feeling clean.

More and more people are now joining the “natural toothpaste” revolution. If you want to buy something reading available (no mixing and experimenting involved), you can always look for natural toothpaste without the seven toxic ingredients listed above. Aside from being good for your health, you can save more money in the long run since most of the ingredients you need are available in your kitchen.  If you need more information about switching to natural products or recipes that you can try, you can research the internet for other great alternatives. Remember to always check the expiry date on the natural products you’ll use. Good luck in your quest to go natural!

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