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We all love that fresh and minty feeling after using mouthwash. But did you know that mouthwashes have unsafe chemicals too? Here are some of the cons of using commercial mouthwashes that you should know about.


  • When Ingested by Children, It Can Be Dangerous – There is a serious health hazard if children accidentally ingest mouthwash. Kids between the ages of 6 to 12 years old should be always be supervised by adults when using mouthwash. Toddlers who are 5 years old and below should only use mouthwash if it is prescribed by their dentist. Some of the health hazards connected to mouthwash ingestion are convulsions and in more complex cases, it can lead to going comatose.
  • Some Parts of the Mouth Can Be Damaged by Mouthwash – With its high alcohol content, mouthwashes can burn the delicate mucous membranes in the mouth. The chances of the burning of burning go higher for frequent mouthwash users.
  • Teeth Darkening and Staining Can Be Caused by Your Mouthwash – chlorhexidine gluconate, a common ingredient in mouthwashes, can cause teeth darkening with it comes in contact with food additives.
  • Mouthwashes Will Only Mask Bad Breath, Not Clean Your Mouth – Toothbrushing is still your best bet in keeping good oral hygiene. Mouth washing will never replace brushing since it’s only made to keep your breath fresh until you have the time to brush. It will not address oral issues like gum bleeding, cavities, and plaque.

Homemade Antibacterial Mouthwash

This 100% natural and possibly organic mouthwash recipe is loved by a lot of users because it’s inexpensive and at the same time effective. Not only is it cheap, it has the all antibacterial and antifungal properties you need to keep your mouth healthy and fresh smelling all day. Here’s what you need to make your D-I-Y 100% natural mouthwash.

  • A small jar or container
  • A cup of distilled water (distilled water is the best type of water to use since it doesn’t have additives or minerals)
  • Baking Soda
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Peppermint Essential Oil (you can buy this at your local health store or even online. Find a reputable place and take note if there are additives that can lower its effectiveness)

Step 1: In your jar or container, mix ½ cup of distilled water, 2 teaspoon baking soda, 2 drops of tea tree oil and 2 drops of peppermint essential oil. Mix it all together to get rid of the clumps from the baking soda (keep in mind that the baking soda will settle at the bottom of the container when not in use so shake the mouthwash before each use).

Step 2: Swish about 2-3 teaspoons of this mix in your mouth for a minute or two. Try to avoid swallowing this while gargling. If you plan to have your kids use it, supervise them to avoid ingestion.

Since this mix doesn’t have preservatives, it’s best to use it as soon as you’ve made it. Making smaller batches is also good to always keep the mix fresh and the peppermint flavor intact.

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