Best Toothpastes for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Do you know what works best with your electric toothbrushes? An oral irrigator or water flosser. This product actually goes by many names such as dental water jet, dental water toothpick, and water pick. This handheld device is a popular home dental care product that uses a stream of pulsating water to gently remove food debris and plaque between teeth and below the gum line. The use of water flossers is supposed to replace traditional dental flosses as it’s easier to use and works way better. If people with dental implants and braces have to be extra careful when using thread flosses, water flossers will work fairly best with them. As matter of fact, they need this product the most. Just a short history, the water flosser was developed in 1962 in Fort Collins, Colorado. The first device was the result of the collaboration between Gerald Moyer, a dentist, and John Mattingly, an engineer. They soon became the founding partners of the company that is now known as Waterpik.

How to Find the Best Water Flossers or Oral Irrigators

Waterpik still makes oral irrigators up to this day and their products are rich in features. It’s technically safe to say that they are the ones who set the standard when it comes to water flossers. If you want to find the best oral irrigator, here’s a rundown of what you should look for:

  1. ADA Seal of Acceptance

Waterpik Water Flosser is one of the first products of its kind to be awarded the American Dental Association seal of acceptance. So if you want to ensure that your oral irrigator will care and not harm your teeth, look for the ADA seal. It means it has passed the rigid test of the experts.

  1. Effective

You only have to add another minute in your oral care regimen for the water flosser. That means you should get brighter teeth and a healthier gum line after two minutes of brushing and one minute of water flossing. Your oral irrigator should be easy-to-use and work exactly as designed.

  1. Rechargeable and portable

You surely want a water flosser that you can take along with you during your trips. If you can charge it fast and its battery can last you for weeks, it would be great. That way, you won’t have to bring the charger with you all the time.

  1. Electronic pressure control

Your teeth have different needs and you might want to change pressures in areas where cleaning is needed most. For example, higher pressure is needed between the teeth but slightly lower pressure is required by the gums. Same goes if you’re using it on veneers and dental implants. Easy pressure adjustment should do the trick.

  1. Loaded with extra features.

Having extra features aside from the four features listed above will definitely give you added advantages. Examples of great extra features are 360-degree tip rotation, additional water flossing tips or heads, cordless function, waterproof feature, and more.

With the introduction of water flossers, thread dental flosses look obsolete. The former are definitely their better replacements, and they are must for everyone. Oral irrigators also don’t cost that much, as you can get one for less than $50 at 243Smiles.Com. Check out all your options today.

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