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No matter what others may say, electric toothbrushes are not fads – they’re actually necessities. They don’t just make brushing easier, but they also make the whole process more efficient. Why do you think that dentists use electric toothbrushes to clean your teeth after every dental procedure? It’s because these toothbrushes are more effective in reducing plaque and making your teeth shine. So why not have one in your home, then? You can’t brush as aggressively as you wish using a manual toothbrush because doing so may only hurt your gums. But with the use of electric toothbrushes, you’ll have pearly whites that are shining so bright that people will think you just stepped out of the dentist’s office.

How Much Should You Invest in Electric Toothbrushes?

The real question is how much you have to invest in affordable electric toothbrushes. The answer, of course, will depend on your budget. Each electric toothbrush has its own set of features, and it pays to check all of them so you’ll get the exact one that you need at the price that you can afford. Paying for features that are not useful to you is unnecessary. To guide you in your choices, here are some of the best brands in the market:

  1. Rotadent Contour

Each package comes with one fat and point toothbrush head for that ultimate clean. The Rotadent electric toothbrush reaches under the gum line and in between teeth. It effectively cleans and polishes all tooth surfaces that it comes in contact with. It costs around $139.95 on www.249Smiles.Com.

  1. FOREO Issa Hybrid Electric Toothbrush

If you still want to hold on to your manual tooth brushing skills, then this hybrid toothbrush is perfect for you. FOREO’s rechargeable hybrid toothbrushes come with silicone and PBT polymer bristles to effectively remove plaque, stains, and tartar build-up. The silicone bristles massage the gums and prevent tooth enamel damage, over-brushing, and gum recession. This FOREO Issa Hybrid Electric Toothbrush uses the Sonic Pulse Technology to help clean the teeth. There are two versions available, namely Issa 1 and Issa 2. The older version costs $149 and the newer one costs $169.

  1. iBrush Electric Rechargeable Toothbrush

Developed by Dr. Patty Martin, this electric toothbrush is the one you need if you’re looking for functionality and value rolled into one great product. It comes in five operating modes to fit each person’s tooth and gum sensitivity level. The UV Sanitizer head kills 99% of viruses and harmful microbes while ensuring that you get the best tooth cleaning effect. The iBrush Electric Rechargeable Toothbrush is the ideal travel companion because it may work for more than six weeks when fully charged. It is also water-resistant and comes with its own docking station. This best value electric toothbrush only costs $29.99 on 249Smiles.Com.

These are the three electric toothbrushes that are highly recommended to you. Each comes in varying features and prices, which means it shouldn’t be too hard for you to make a decision. Invest in these innovative dental products and you’ll maintain the best health of your teeth in many years to come.

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